















Motivating • Challenging • Empowering • Inclusive • Exciting • Energetic • Cathartic • Electrifying • Positive • Encouraging • Tough • Uplifting • Welcoming • Supportive • Sweaty • Energizing •


  • “Caroline is an amazing spin teacher! She is kind and enthusiastic every single day. I have been attending her classes 1-3 times a week for more than a year and I have to thank Caroline for helping me develop the right mentality about my school and my work-outs. She reminds us to push ourselves and challenge ourselves when nobody is looking, and her voice is in my head when I work-out independently and when I am doing the hard parts of my school work like writing and public presentations. She also does really fun theme days! I recommend her class to everyone. And, every single friend I've brought to one of Caroline's classes has become a regular - she's that good. Her classes are a privilege and I will miss them so much next year.”

  • “Caroline’s spin class truly changed my life at college- it added much needed structure and motivation to move my body even when I was at my most stressed! She is supportive and enthusiastic in a very genuine way and I have fully cried because I felt so seen in that room, she makes everyone feel like they can push through anything. I would go to spin every day if I could!! Caroline carefully curates each class and every time I leave feeling like I pushed hard and got a full body workout. There are friends that I convinced to take one class and now go twice every week!”

  • “Cycling with Caroline is often the highlight of my day. She brings energy, enthusiasm, and encouragement to every class and creates a safe, inclusive environment to give me and everyone else the confidence—and endorphins—we need to feel healthy and strong. If the long waitlist isn’t indicative enough, people flock to Caroline’s class for her, as she truly pours love into every session and every person who shows up.”

  • “I feel like a lot of exercise classes I have been to are based on the idea that you have to improve yourself- instructors make offhand comments about how we should be changing the way our body looks, and even when it is a good workout I leave feeling a little bad about myself. Caroline’s classes are such a lovely departure from that. Every day she encourages us to take breaks when we need and do what feels good for us. This is not to say her classiest aren’t hard-she really challenges us and motivates us to push ourselves but in such a positive manner. She is the sweetest person I have ever met and her energy lights up everyone in the room, making her classes super exciting and fun. I always leave feeling so much better than when I came in.”

  • “Caroline truly is the best! Her classes are not only a great workout, but they always foster a fun, lively environment with great music and overall great vibes. Coming home over break to ride my Peloton alone made me realize how much I miss and appreciate the unbeatable community within her spin classes and the high-energy motivation that welcomes everyone. What makes Caroline so special is how she continues to be an excellent role model off the bike, always making herself available for workout/social/academic questions and authentically accepting newcomers as friends.”

  • “Kirby's spin class is the only one I would ever consider going to. She is so much fun, very motivating, and makes it an enjoyable workout experience for the whole class. She has the unique ability to connect with a class, whether it includes her friends or not.”

  • “Kirby's spin class always gets me pumped for the day. She brings the most energy and the most enthusiasm and there is nothing more fun!”

  • “Caroline Kirby single-handedly got me through a breakup. No one I'd rather have as an instructor; I rave about her class to my friends all the time.”

  • “Caroline's spin classes are the best!! It wasn't until I started going to her spin classes every week that I considered spinning to be my favorite form of working out. Her music is also super varied and fun, which makes class feel more like a dance party than it is a workout (although I also leave feeling like I got a great workout in!)”

  • “Caroline is such an amazing spin instructor - her class is so popular at Princeton that its hard to even get in! She keeps the energy up the whole class, chooses great music and pushes you every class.”

  • “There are multiple spin instructors at Princeton, however, none of them compare to Caroline. I remember the first spin class I took at Princeton was taught by Caroline and I was shocked to find out that she was a student. The flow of her playlist and moves on the bike, and her energy throughout the ride, made me feel like I was in a real cycling studio. It was an even better experience knowing one of my peers was motivating me to keep going. This past semester, I went to Caroline's class at least 3 times each week (I wish I could have gone more), knowing that I could trust her to bring a fun playlist and challenging ride each time. It amazes me that she taught five times a week, and yet had a different playlist each time and was always on the bike toughing it out with us. I also appreciated her words of encouragement throughout the ride---always reminding us that we are in control and we have done much harder things at Princeton than adding a little bit more resistance to the bike. Her friendly and bright personality helps everyone in the class feel comfortable and have fun. Caroline has a built a wonderful community around spin at Princeton, and I can't wait for her future riders to get the opportunity to experience that.”

  • “Honestly, Caroline's spin class has been one of the highlights of this semester at Princeton. When I first came to Princeton, I was struggling a lot with losing the identity of an athlete and not knowing how to progress athletically, or even how to stay active. Not only did spin help me regain my love for fitness, but it gave me something to look forward to every afternoon. I can't describe how positive and motivational Caroline is-- even on rainy, cold days during exam week she managed to encourage everyone to push themselves and manages to turn everything bad going on into a reason to keep going on the bike and off. I'm so infinitely grateful for these classes and I'm gonna miss her so much next year!”

  • “I started going to Caroline’s spin classes this fall, and the passion and energy she brings to the class inspired me to become a certified instructor. She has spent the last few months mentoring me, and I feel prepared to start instructing classes in the spring thanks to her guidance.”

  • “I never thought that I would take or enjoy a spin class, as someone who can’t ride a real bike and wouldn’t consider themselves a “gym rat”. But, I just hadn’t been to Caroline’s classes yet! With her infectious spirit and charm, CK encouraged me to give spin a try—and with her talent, music selections, and passion for the class, she made me a regular. I tell everyone on campus to go to CK spin. For reference, it’s technically called CampusRecreation’s Spin Cycle studio with multiple instructors. But to me and all the people I’ve brought on board, spin is defined by the instructor and CK is one of a kind.”

  • “I absolutely love Caroline's spin classes! As someone who'd never been to a spin class before, I was initially super intimidated. However, Caroline's attention to form really helped me get started and I've been coming ~ thrice a week ever since for almost a year now. Classes never feel repetitive - Caroline's always changing up the music, experimenting with new themes / lights / weights, and varying the nature of rides themselves from hills to jogs and sprints. On a personal level, Caroline's enthusiasm is infectious and she's so lovely. Spin with CK is one of the best parts of my day: it feels as much like a workout as it does a dance party with the best community. <3”

  • “Caroline’s spin classes are so energising and motivating - she works you harder than anyone else while having so much fun!”

  • “Caroline is so energetic and fun to spin with and she makes even the difficult songs (with hills/sprints/etc.) enjoyable. she always listens to song requests and seems to actually care about everyone who spins with her!”

  • “Love Caroline's spin classes! Just the right mix of motivational encouragement (without tipping into cheesy), reminders to go at our own pace and a lot of fun too. I wasn't sure about coming to spin classes with a bunch of undergrad students as an older grad student but Caroline makes everyone feel welcome, is really encouraging and organises fantastic classes. Music is great too. 10/10.”